Yo! Welcome to another reading list 🖖🏽
Stuff I wrote
- Quality of life item for mac users with touch ID - here’s how you can use your fingerprint instead of typing in your password when sudo prompt for it.
- A bit of a spicy, but thought provoking one - AI is Creating a Generation of Illiterate Programmers
- Logging Best Practices: 12 Dos and Don’ts - This is a 2 in 1, blog post accompanied by a youtube video. Good for brushing up on logging basics for production.
- I’ve got two picks from the Stay SaaSy blog.
- First is a piece on ways you’re eroding accountability.
- The second goes into why it’s probably a bad idea to replace your productivity SaaS tools with internally baked software.
- Forest And Desert - Simple idea discussed here, but eye opening. It reminded me to consider my own blindspots, as well as others’ whenever I make suggestions that feel very intuitive to me.
- Paying down tech debt: further learnings - The author of this post is writing a whole book on the topic, titled Swimming in Tech Debt.
To close off this section, here’s an excerpt from my book notes from The Missing ReadMe
- The author of Building Multi-Tenant SaaS Architectures on goto; book club.