Citizens of the internet, greetings! 🖖🏽
Stuff I wrote
- I recently went through a platform migration on, and boy was that a journey. Here are some retro notes.
Borrowing from The Missing Readme:
Got a handful of episodes to share this week.
- Corey Quinn and Gitpod CTO in conversation about standardised remote dev environment
- Very closely related is Dax showing his remote dev setup
- Jon Cutler on surviving organisational politics
- Soft Skills Engineering is a weekly advice podcast for software developers. - This is one of the shows I listen to on a regular. They’re 400+ episodes in - so have a scroll, find a title that resonates, and dig in🙌🏽
- Always a good vibe to hear from Chris Coyier & Dave Rupert. What stuck out from Episode 647 for me was Slash pages vs wikis vs blog posts.
- Matt Pocock goes over Vercel’s AI SDK. Solid intro to the topic
- Scott Moss via frontendmasters does deeper dives into building AI powered apps. Tap in
- Tailwind v4 is stable! - biggest change being the CSS first config
- Will Larson - Friction isn’t Velocity. Found and read this one while writing this week’s newsletter. That’s one thing I enjoy about writing, it naturally leads to more reading
- Stay SaaSy - Management Mantras
- Webpage annoyances I don’t inflict on you here - Love it when I bump into an old school blog like this. You can tell this is done for the love of the game, not much else.
As I said 7 months ago:
- Choose boring technology by Dan McKinley- This one’s also on my reading list, would be nice to get to it this week.