TIL: Elastic Search

Learnt a bit more about Elastic Search. Architecture overview, how to use it, and situations where you’d consider using it.



An Elastic search cluster has the following nodes:

  1. Coordinating node
  2. Master node
  3. Data node
  4. Ingest node
  5. Machine learning node
  • Elastic search provides a distribution system on top of Lucene.
    • Replication, shards, indexes, providing the http interface, coordinating the distributed queries

A few examples of where it works well

  • Read heavy workloads: My understanding so far tells me that this kind of situation is where Elastic Search works best
  • Fuzzy matching
  • Supporting faceted-search, especially which is common on e-commerce sites.
  • Full text, geo-spatial, and structured search

How it keeps in sync with your DB

There are a few ways to achieve this.

  • Change Data Capture tools like Debezium
  • Dual writes: More complex application code, but less infrastructure overhead. Risk of inconsistencies here though, I wouldn’t try this on a greenfield project.
  • Batch sync & cron jobs: usable when you don’t need real time sync.
  • Message queues or event streaming

Not a database

  • It’s optimised for search, not efficient storage
  • Durability & availability aren’t as bulletproof as a traditional db
  • No ACID transactions

You get the point, the list goes on.


  • Denormalization is key with elastic search. You shouldn’t need to do complex joins or nested queries when using it.